Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 5, Segovia to Salamanca

Today we walked around Segovia. We went and saw an important Jewish Synagogue.  Then we walked down the street and saw a huge Catholic church. The church was one of the last churches to be built in gothic style. After that we walked to the Alcazar.
            The Alcazar is a big castle that was built on the edge of town.  It was built on top of a mountain so that intruders were unable to reach it. To get to the castle you have to cross a little bridge. Below it is what used to be a moat.  The castle is very old. It overlooks a huge valley.
            Then we got on the bus and went to Salamanca. We met our host families there.  There were more people there than expected. The oldest woman is Isabel.  We also met her husband. With her was her daughter Sonia and she has two young sons, Sergio and Alvaro. Today was Sergio’s 8th birthday and I think Alvaro is three.
            They took us to their apartment. It is on the fourth floor of a building. Their apartment is like a flat. It has many rooms and two bathrooms. The rooms are pretty small. My roommate Shannon and I share a room that is smaller than a dorm room. It is ok though because all of our stuff fits in the room.
            After we unpacking a little bit they took us to the streets to see the Cabalgata de los Reyes. It is a parade that the city puts on. The floats are all lit up and there are many people dressed up. In the parade are the three magi or kings. They throw candy to the children. Tonight the three kings bring presents to the children. Sonia was telling me that on Christmas Santa brings them a few presents, but on the day that the kings come they bring a lot more presents. 

            The living situation is interesting. Isabel actually lives in the countryside outside of Salamanca. Isabel and her husband lived in Salamanca for a long time in this apartment. They decided to move to the countryside but then Sonia and her husband separated. Sonia and her sons live here in the apartment. I don’t know if we will see Isabel too much. It is more like Sonia is our host mom.

Tomorrow we will have to find our way around town. Salamanca is bigger than I thought it was.


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